Tag Archive: smile

#53 Broken Smile

“Broken Smile”

I know you just can’t help it,
But I know I can feel it.
The smile on your face,
Even though a subtle trace,
Is a hint of a broken smile.
You might not notice for a while,
But it’s quite obvious, you see.
Putting one on’s not a breeze.

On the outside, you look sappy,
But in the inside, you’re not happy.
Fake happiness you’re clinging.
Feeling fine’s what you’re trying.
However, behind the scenes,
What you’re thinking we’ll foresee
Is that you’re all glad,
But the truth is, you’re plain sad.

Written on Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Theme: Reminiscence | Stanzas: 2 | Lines: 16
Rhyming sequence: AABBCCDD | Syllabic range: Unordered

#51 Smile


My reason to smile,
Not just to turn away the colors of blue,
But also, ’cause I haven’t in a while.

My reason to smile at you
Is because you made my day,
So it isn’t just because I wanted to.

Smiling shakes the stress away
Whenever you got big tasks
Charging at you in one day.

While it may not forever last,
I can still put another one
Same as the previous fast.

It will do good in the long run
As I continue progress.
A smile like a contest you’ve won.

Frowning only makes you regress.
Even just for a little while,
Smiling always makes a diff’rence.

So, my reason to smile,
Not just to turn away the colors of blue,
But also, ’cause I haven’t in a while.

Written on Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Theme: Tranquility | Stanzas: 7 | Lines: 21
Rhyming sequence: ABA, BCB| Syllabic range: Unordered