“Mother Nature”

Mother Nature has blessed us with many things
Like the flowers, grass, and birds that sing.
I thank You for creating this beautiful world.
Too bad evil has destroyed and made it absurd.

Someday, Mother Nature will strike them back.
Then they’ll see the things that they lack.
Therefore let us take care of Nature,
And we’ll reap what we sow in the future.

Written Monday, October 25, 2010
Theme: Love | Stanzas: 2 | Lines: 8
Rhyming sequence: AABB | Syllabic range: Unordered

Kind of self-explanatory, I believe. In the second stanza, you might ask about the first two lines. Well, it’s pretty simple. We people don’t take care of the earth -> trouble arises like thunderstorms or calamities -> soil erosion, landslides, etc -> pwned. Something like that. Hihi.

TAKE CARE OF THE PLANET YOU LIVE IN!! Don’t make us resort to go to another planet.  And hope that man will not cause the end of the earth due to his actions. Your actions today will affect the future.